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Frontier Financial of Arizona is your premier reverse mortgage team located in Dewey, Arizona. The experienced team members here are committed to quality customer service and putting the needs of the people it serves first. Frontier Financial of Arizona will always adhere to the highest degree of integrity in all business dealings.


When it comes to Reverse Mortgages, education is the key. Frontier Financial of Arizona's pledge to you, is to complete the education process, so you are able to make an informed decision. Frontier Financial of Arizona always encourages prospective clients to invite family members to be a part of the discussion during the education process.



This FREE Calculator has been designed to help take the guess work out of your Reverse Mortgage research. It's quick and it's easy. Find out if a Reverse Mortgage is right for you today!


Give us a call or simply fill out any of the forms on our website and one of our experienced mortgage lenders will be in touch right away!


Reverse Mortgages can help you achieve any number of goals that you may have. Check out some examples of how people have benefited from or changed their lives with a reverse mortgage from Frontier Financial of Arizona.


See some real world examples of how people have used a reverse mortgage to solve a problem.


What is a reverse mortgage? How can I qualify for a reverse mortgage? You've got questions, we get it. The Frontier Financial of Arizona team is here to answer them all and guide and protect you throughout the process.


Get real, honest answers to your questions and more here. If you have a question we haven't answered, feel free to ask! Our experienced Reverse Mortgage experts are ready to help.

Want to learn more about Reverse Mortgages?

Join us for a Reverse Mortgage Lunch & Learn!
The next Lunch & Learn will be Tuesday May 21st at
The Center - 1280 E Rosser St., Prescott, AZ

You keep your home

You remain the owner of your home, as long as you comply with the the loan terms and pay your property taxes and homeowner's insurance.

No monthly payments

One of the best things about a reverse mortgage is that payments are made to YOU, for as long as you live in your home. A reverse mortgage pays you. You repay the loan when you sell your home.

You're OK if the market drops

If your home loses value and the loan is more than the home value, the government will pay the difference when you sell your home

Choose your payment method(s)

You can be paid in full or partially, get a line of credit, receive monthly payments, or you can pick a combination of these options.

Qualification is much easier

Even senior borrowers with limited income can easily qualify since there are no monthly payments to be made.

The loan is TAX FREE

Technically, Reverse Mortgages are considered an advance, and loan advances are not taxable.

What are you waiting for? Getting started is easy. We offer very competitive rates, have great service, and always close on time.

A real life example:

John is a widower who lives at home alone. He would like to keep his home, but is having trouble making payments and meeting expenses. His monthly mortgage payment is $611. Even with both Social Security income and pension, he is still short by $187 per month…